Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tentang What are You Going to Do Today

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Berbagiruang.com – Berikut adalah Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tentang What are You Going to Do Today yang terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda. Dengan adanya soal latihan ini semoga bisa sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan latihan sebelum menghadapi ujian.

1. Andi … drive all the way to Jogjakarta.
a. Are go
b. Is going to *
c. Go to
d. Are going to
e. Will be

2. Rina : I’m so tired. I’m about to fall asleep
Nani : I … you some coffee.
a. Want
b. Brought
c. Wanna
d. Wants
e. Will get *

3. I promise you that I … (not tell) anyone about your secret.
a. Won’t tell *
b. Am not going to tell
c. Will telling
d. Wanna
e. Won’t telling

4. They … attend Nina’s wedding party next week.
a. Is go
b. Are going to *
c. Will
d. Would rather
e. Go to

5. I wonder where we … 30 years from now.
a. Will *
b. Want
c. Are
d. Will not
e. Are going to

6. Sinta : What are you going to do after school?
Remi : I don’t know, …
a. I am going to watch TV
b. I’ll probably watch TV *
c. I am not going to Watch TV
d. I won’t do anything
e. I’ll be watching

7. Reno : …
Maya : I am going to the cinema tonight
Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!
a. Where are you going tonight?
b. Are you busy tonight?
c. Can I join you to the cinema?
d. Do you have any plan?
e. Where are you know?

8. She and Ger are going to …. a fun surprise for her husband at hotel.
a. Makes
b. Maked
c. Make *
d. Made
e. Mades

9. We and Fui are going to …. a lot of bees in the cage to get the honey.
a. Catched
b. Catcher
c. Catchs
d. Catch *
e. Catches

10. Oh look! It … snow soon, Let’s go home now.
The correct answer is..
a. Will *
b. Is
c. Is going to
d. Will not
e. Just

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tentang Compliments and Congratulations

11. In 300 years soon, people …. (travel) with flying cars, instead of airplanes.
a. Will
b. Is going to
c. Will not be
d. Are going to *
e. Are

12. Tomi : …
Fadli : I will be staying at home
What is the proper question for that answer..
a. How are you doing?
b. What are you doing tonight? *
c. Do you like the party?
d. What’s going on?
e. How are you?

13. Ron are not going to … some projects with the biggest company in this city.
a. Bargained
b. Bargaining
c. Bargain *
d. Bargainess
e. Bargains

14. If we want to promise someone, we use..
a. Be going to
b. Will *
c. Go to
d. To be
e. Want

15. Rahma : Gee, I’d really like an ice cream cone, But I didn’t bring any money with me.
Marlin : That’s okay. I … get one for you
Rahma : Thanks
a. Will *
b. Won’t
c. Am will
d. Am going to
e. Go to

16. You and Rin are going to …. money from the unnamed bank with your members.
a. Taker
b. Takes
c. Taking
d. Be taking
e. Take *

17. I am going to …. the easy puzzles on the newspaper at afternoon.
a. Fill *
b. Filled
c. Filling
d. Be feel
e. Be filling

18. Sun and Darn are going to …. a lot of planning with her boss in the office.
a. Planning
b. Planner
c. Planned
d. Plans
e. Plan *

19. Preposition od time used in expression of intention, except..
a. Tomorrow
b. Next week
c. Yesterday *
d. Tonight
e. All correct

20. Bent : Sara, have you find the books?
Sara : Sorry, i have searched for it, but I couldn’t find it
Bent : …
Sara : Thank you
Complete the dialog with the correct expression!
a. Keep searching the book!
b. Will you help me
c. Don’t give up!
d. I will help you to search for it *
e. See you there!

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tentang Self Introduction

21. Which one of the following sentences is not an expression of intention?
a. I am cooking soup *
b. I am going to Jakarta next week
c. I will help you finish this project
d. I am going to pick my Mother tonight
e. I am cooked a meatball

22. Michelle … begin medical school next year.
a. Go to
b. Is going to *
c. Went to
d. Will go to
e. Going to

23. Nita : what are you planning to do with all these sculpture?
Rachmat : I … . them in cultural fair next month.
a. To be exhibiting
b. Am going to exhibiting
c. Will exhibit *
d. Be exhibiting
e. To exhibit

24. I have been living in Bali.
Please, change that sentence into Simple Future Tense!
a. I will live in Bali *
b. I will living in Bali
c. I am going live in Bali
d. I am live in Bali
e. I want to live in Bali

25. Is Fei going to … many trees and flowers on the fertilizer soil.
a. Plantor
b. Planted
c. Planter
d. Plant *
e. Planting

26. Gil is not going to … a beautiful viewer beside the blue mountain.
a. Drawed
b. Draw *
c. Draws
d. Drawer
e. Drawings

27. Bram is going to … The long swinger on the green grass in the park.
a. Swinging
b. Swing *
c. Swinger
d. Swinged
e. Swings

28. Roy is going to … many fruits from the mini market with his new comers.
a. Buy *
b. Buys
c. Buyer
d. Buyered
e. Buying

29. Din and Dan are not going … some clues in the blank texts.
a. Finds
b. Founder
c. Found
d. Finding
e. Find *

30. I wasn’t studying English with my friend.
Please, change that sentence into Simple Future Tense!
a. I will be not studying English with my friend
b. I not will be studying English with my friend
c. I will studying English with my friend
d. I will not be studying English with my friend *
e. I’m not studying English with my friend

Itu lah Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tentang What are You Going to Do Today semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi bahan latihan untuk mengasah materi lebih dalam. Semoga bermanfaat.