Kumpulan Soal Ujian Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Tentang Letter Writing

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1. What is P.S. in personal letter?
a. Post save
b. Post-stamp
c. Post-sign
d. Postscript *
e. Past simple

2. Dear friends,… Dear Anna…, Dear Joko,… those words in personal letter are called..
a. Greeting
b. Salutation *
c. Introduction
d. Closing
e. Body

3. With love and admiration,… sincerely yours,…sincerely grateful,…
In personal letter you will meet those words. What is the name of the words in personal letter?
a. Signature
b. Greeting
c. Postscript
d. Salutation
e. Closing *

4. When the letter is written is called?
a. Date *
b. Address
c. Closure
d. Salutation
e. Greeting

5. Place where the letter is written is called..
a. Date
b. Content
c. Closure
d. Address *
e. Salutation

6. Hi~ Kevin, what’s up?
The expression is called..
a. Body
b. Introduction *
c. Complementary close
d. Signature
e. Closure

7. Can’t wait to see you soon.
The expression belong to..
a. Closure *
b. Introduction
c. Complementary close
d. Body
e. Postscript

8. What is an example of the salutation?
a. Sincerely
b. Yours truly
c. Dear *
d. Best wishes
e. Please respond

9. What is an example of a complimentary close?
a. Hi, what’s up?
b. Dear
c. Hello
d. Greetings
e. Sincerely *

10. Which one is included in informal letter?
a. Application letter
b. Promotion letter
c. Personal letter *
d. Retirement letter
e. Recommendation letter

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Ujian Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Tentang National Disaster An Exposition

11. If we write a personal letter and we want to tell the events that happen two weeks ago, so the language feature used in personal letter is..
a. Future Perfect Tense
b. Simple Past Tense *
c. Present Continuous Tense
d. Simple Present Tense
e. Present Perfect Tense

12. “I’ll be waiting for your letter eagerly”.
What is the purpose of this expression?
a. Changing topic
b. To share the good news
c. To ask for reply *
d. To inform the sender
e. To make an appointment

13. What is the communicative purpose of letter?
a. To tell the readers about past event
b. To communicate directly
c. To write the letter indirectly
d. To amuse the readers through the text
e. To communicate through written symbols *

14. How many types of letters?
a. 1
b. 2 *
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

15. The following types of letters are correct..
a. Formal letter and imagination letter
b. Imagination letter and expression letter
c. Informal letter and Imagination letter
d. Formal letter and expression letter
e. Formal letter and personal letter *

16. Example of expressions letter writing in gratitude..
a. I think you shouldn’t…
b. I’m extremely sorry to hear that…
c. I hope it’s not too much to ask but…
d. Thanks very much for… *
e. I’m so sorry that…

17. What is the meaning signature in personal letter?
a. Initial or sign of the writer *
b. Date when the letter is written
c. The main part of the letter
d. The place where the letter is written
e. After thought in a letter

18. What are the structure of personal letter?
a. Date, salutation, address, body, introduction, closure, complimentary close, signature, and postscript
b. Date, address, salutation, introduction, body, closure, complimentary close, signature, and postscript *
c. Date, address, salutation, introduction, closure, body, complimentary close, signature, and postscript
d. Date, address, salutation, introduction, body, complimentary close, closure, signature, and postscript
e. Date, salutation, address, body, introduction, closure, complimentary close, and signature

19. The followings are some conclusion expressions in personal letter, except..
a. See you
b. I will write soon
c. I will have to stop now
d. Hope this letter finds you *
e. I am waiting for quick reply

20. “I am so happy to share this with you”. What is the purpose of the expression?
a. To give advice
b. To thank the person
c. To ask a favor
d. To share good news *
e. To ask for reply

BACA JUGA : Kumpulan Soal Ujian Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Tentang Party Time

21. Personal letter are written to, expect..
a. Siblings
b. Friends
c. Cousins
d. Nephews
e. Office *

22. The right expression to share good news in personal letters is..
a. Thank you so much for remembering me
b. I am so sorry but I have to tell you
c. I am so happy to share this with you *
d. Can I ask you for this favour
e. I will be waiting for you letter eagerly

23. What kind of information can we find on signature of personal letter?
a. The address of the writer
b. The receiver’s identity
c. The credential of the letter
d. The writer’s identity *
e. The authenticity of the letter

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

Jakarta, 12th March 2022 Dear Alex How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here. We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in Biology. There are extra lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help. I look forward to hearing from you.

24. What does the letter tell us about?
a. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic
b. Preparing for the national examination *
c. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
d. Giving a solution to a friend
e. Having extra lesson at school

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 25 to 26 is based on the following text.

Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116 October 11th, 2013 To all Colleagues and Friends, As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do apologize to those who feel offended that I have left having written only this farewell letter, without personally shaking their hand and exchanging best wishes. I have so many people to thank for their support and dedication that it is impossible to personally get to see you all with the short time that was available. I truly am humbled to have worked with such a group of “get in and get it happening people” and I am so proud of the achievements that you have accomplished both in the operation and (for quite a lot of you) for your own personal accomplishments. To those of you that I had the opportunity to coach and or set goals for, I commend each of you for your achievements and hope that you continue to succeed through life journeys. I can be contacted if required on 08159030832. I wish you all a Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Year.

Thanks, regards and best wishes, Susan.

25. What has the writer done in the office?
a. Having trained the employees *
b. Having collaborated intensively
c. Having conducted a farewell party
d. Having supported innovative efforts
e. Having shaken hands to all his colleagues

26. “I commend each of you for your achievements” .The synonym of the word “commend” is..
a. Improve
b. Increase
c. Enjoy
d. Effort
e. Praise *

27. The parts of a personal letter!
1) Complimentary close
2) Greeting
3) Body
4) Postscript
5) Signature
6) Heading
The correct order of a personal letter is..
a. 6 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 1
b. 6 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 *
c. 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5
d. 4 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5
e. 4 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5

28. The correct form to write a heading of a personal letter is..
a. Hello my beloved friend
b. Hi friend
c. Dear old friend *
d. Dear Sofia
e. Hello friend

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 29 to 30 is based on the following text.

Dear Sahwa, It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great! I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past week-end took second place in a sandcastle building contest! On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn’t too great but I love the job so much. I hope the summer’s been going well for you too. There’s only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it’s back to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starts?

Your friend, Signature P.S. John Austin.

29. The letter shows about..
a. Happiness someone who meet her friends soon
b. The poor students in summer vacation
c. How to finished summer vacation
d. Missing old friend in summer
e. Spending time in summer *

30. What is writer do on the weekdays?
a. She is getting a nice tan
b. Drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream *
c. Spend her time with working
d. Playing lots of volleyball and surfing
e. Building a nice collection of sea shells

Itu lah Kumpulan Soal Ujian Pilihan Ganda Berserta Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Tentang Letter Writing semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi bahan latihan untuk mengasah materi lebih dalam. Semoga bermanfaat.